Creates a 3xx redirect response and adds the Location field to the header. If not specified status code 301 Moved Permanently will be used.
Gets the url of the request. url.path can be used to retrive the path and url.queryParams to retrive the query parameters.
Headers utility.
Gets and sets the status of the request/response. The value can be one of the enum StatusCodes or a custom status using the Status struct.
Gets the header manager of the request/response. The available methods are the same of the associative array's except that keys are case-insensitive.
Gets the method used for the request.
Gets the cookies sent in the Cookie header in the request. This property is lazily initialized.
Adds a cookie to the response's header.
Gets the body of the request/response.
Sets the body of the request/response.
Sets the response's content-type header.